Secret Santa 2024
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[R] Organisation armband
Hello fellow artists!

I'm looking for a new armband for our RK-MMA Organisation [RMO], since the one Daedalus made for us back then is a bit outworn. I would like to have it fit for the right and the left bicep (so that I can mirror it). Would be also cool to have it recolorable to eventually customize it individually.

Here is the old one, please do the size like that, so that you can overlay your textures with it, but they are still visible (scrolling a bit down):

No real restrictions to the style or the general look, but be creative. Going to pay in TC, 20-30k.

Edit: Pretty much something similar to the one from Team Sambo you can say, stuff that requires a bit of design skills.

Thanks in advance!
Last edited by Destram; Jun 27, 2015 at 12:02 PM.