(AB) The Abyss Recruitment
Once there was nothing, a shell of emptiness...
There formed the great of everything; beautiful and ugly.
A fimilar place never forgoten but yet to be remembered, in the same.
An Abyss where all things fall; Living or dead, Of evil or good.
Walk with us into the Abysss
1.) Respect all the community and ingame rules.
2.) Respect as much as you are given.
3.) No spam or irrelevant posts in the Clan Discussion.
4.) Any problems such as other players, shop, clan, ect., let someone know. If not us, then a GM.
5.) Have Fun.
6.) Be Yourself.
7.) Do your thing.
Another way you can join is by trying out in our server /jo AB and its a better way to get into this clan if your lower then black but we are gonna ask you questions
Application requirements:
Belt (minimal belt black) :
Why do you wanna join?:
Mods you're good at:
What are the benefits you have?:
Last edited by Alterad; Jul 22, 2015 at 06:16 AM.