Secret Santa 2024
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[HET] Ingame Host Group
[HET] Ingame Host Group

Host Group Definition
This group is a part of the [HET] Host&Event Team. Members of this group
are allowed to host bet-servers, hot-seats and in-game tourneys. They have access to
TheMonastery -> Shared Bank
and can use the TC for the planned in-game events.

Team Leader
BBKing - TimmyboyG

Tobreak - calumfionn

Host Group Rules
-TheMonastery's TC is to be used for Monastery Events only
-If you want to go global contact a VIP member
We aren't willing to spend 10k for a global. If you can't find a VIP,
you have to pay 5k from your own TC on top or you let it be.

-The maximum amount of TC for DP in a bet-server is 10k per day
-Profits from bet-servers have to be payed back to TheMonastery
-Take care to name the room monk related:
Monk / ME / MEvent / Mbet / Monkbet / METourney ..and so on

Event Checklist
If you want to host an event but you arent sure what to do, this will come in handy.


Betting Server


Post Format
This thread works like a log-book. Post here when you hosted an event.

Post format:

By hosting events you are responsible for the reputation of [Monk].
Always keep in mind that you are a part of this clan and follow the Monastic-Rules.

And last but not least...
Have Fun!!!

If you want to be a part of this team, please leave an app in this thread.
Last edited by BBKing; Feb 28, 2016 at 03:45 PM.