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(Burnt) Recruitment Server
We are a new clan and we hope we can grow into one of the greats,if you are kind enough to try out for our clan
Rules and Guidelines for The Burning Gods

1) All must be active for 1 week, anyone inactive for this time will get a warning and the next day if not answered will be kicked from the clan. If kicked, you can try out again for the clan [give a warning to Yolo (yolo2146) or to Scavenger (Scavenger9) if planning on being AFK for the time]

2) We are all people, treat everyone like they are, noob or pro, in our clan or other, but if we have an enemy, treat them like a rude human (shut your mouth and crush them)

3) You do not need Skype but if you want, you can

4) And if you need to talk to someone, PM them. If someone does not answer tell Yolo or Scavenger, they will take of it in any way

5) Check your PM box everyday sometimes other people have something planned and want your help

6) If you are directly asked for, do whatever you are asked as long as it does not require anything that costs some sort of currency. If you break this rule you will be kicked from the clan and you can’t join back till one month and will be considered an enemy.

Application Requirements

Name (Real if wanted, in game absolute):


Age (will not affect application):


Why do you want to join the clan (don’t lie to your self and say why, if you seem cool we might accept you anyways):

Out of 10 how active do you think you are active on forums + in game (separate answers!):

What do you like to do mostly in toribash? Art, mod making, playing in game, trolling, friends… Anything:

Any past clans, if so why:

Replays are optional, but preferred:

Thank you for your application. We cannot wait to get to it and hopefully get another clan mate. If you are declined you may try-out for the clan and link us to your application.
Last edited by Yolo2146; Aug 24, 2015 at 05:55 PM. Reason: Much better