Avg Toribashers Hardware.
Hey guys I have noticed that most people I meet in toribash have old/bad hardware.
I could be wrong but I really only met people with bad hardware.
So I would like youre opinion on this, so I can understand it better.
I think People with better hardware tend to leave early on when they are failing,
they might think their too good for this low graphic game.
O and if you know youre hardware specs, please tell them aswel.
Then we can see what the avg hardware is of tb players.
(And I might wan;t to show off a bit :3)
Gpu: Nvidea 980ti
Cpu: Intel I7 5930k (OC'd)
Ram: 16gb DDR4
Cooling: Stock case fans + CM Hyper 412S
Case: CM Storm Stryker
And a boot SSD