Hi, i'm sdsman or Logan IRL. I am a second dan black belt, My age is 20 and my GMT is + 7 i'm very active, I live in Canada and please resist the canadian jokes its actually really nice here its like 35 degrees here right now so don't say are you cold why are you so nice. Please don't say that, don't be stereotypical. Anyways lets change the subject i play acoustic guitar and soccer, i'll start with acoustic guitar.
I love music i started playing acoustic guitar 5 years ago and ever since then i have become amazing at it. I write music like its nothing, of course my music is not online but if you could hear it it would sound beautiful. Now lets get into Futball (Soccer) I have played Futball for 10 years now, my whole family plays it because my father is from Spain and my mother is from Britain and Futball is very popular in those country's. Toribash is my life, I play everyday from 8 to 4 pm (Canada North america timezone) so that is how long i play toribash. In other words all day.
Its pretty hard to make friends but I somehow manage it. I'm friends with Link in this clan from back when i was in Electric. He never recomended me to join this clan but i decided to. I think i can bring great skill to this clan by encouraging people. Telling people that they can do it, that they aren't who they think they are. That to me is gonna make people have confidence in them selves to get better at toribash, so that they can become tori legends.
of course I haven't become a tori legend yet but i believe that getting into official clans is the best way to develop a tori legend. I thought that Inq was a good clan for it so as you can see i'm applying for Inq. Hopping to get into this clan, or just to get responses.
I think my app is good enough to get into Inq sooo... that's all i got, have a good day and
bye bye
Last edited by sdsman; Aug 24, 2015 at 07:53 PM.