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(Entropy) Laws Of Entropy


1. Being respectful is of utmost importance,especially to your superiors
2.Being inactive for three days without reporting it first earns a demote,7 days gets kicked
3.Maintain a reasonable post quality
4.Obey both the clan and the forum rules
5.Cut unecessary cursing
6.Keep your arguments in the PM's
7.Be a good sport
8.Think before you start typing



Single & Clan Allies


() - Create a functional,stable and friendly community of likeminded individuals just wanting to enjoy their time on this platform
(X) - Have 7 members
(X) - Have 10 members
(X) - Have 12 members
(X) - 5k TC in bank
(X) - 10k TC in bank
(X) - 20k TC in bank
() - 50k TC in bank
() - 100k in bank
() - 200k in bank
() - Become generally recognized among other clans
() - Become Official


Last edited by pranit; Dec 31, 2015 at 07:35 PM. Reason: Finishing DSC