(zP) Project Zetsubou
Clan Story[/CENTER]
Under many aliases, the Despair clan ruled in the shadows, teaching its students in the art of Aikido, Wushu, Judo and Taekkyon. Its students became masters of these arts, and they were constantly competing in underground fighting matches. The government always tried to stop these matches, but to no avail.
The story of these fights spread across the land, beckoning more powerful masters in the arts to seek out the Despair clan and challenge them. More and more people came to fight them, each more powerful than the last, each straining the clan more and more until one day, the Despair clan was defeated, causing most of the clan to leave in shame.
Now, the Despair clan is back to increase its numbers and once again, inflict despair upon our enemies.
Please read the rules carefully
1: All members must follow the Toribash Global Rules
2: Alts are strictly Prohibited
3: All posts in the Clan Thread must be relevant. ie, spamming and useless posts are not allowed. This is in accordance with the Global Rules
4: Members are expected to be polite and respectful to other players, either in-game or in the forums. This includes no noob-shaming. Remember, you were new once too. Keep rage-quitting to a minimum, and acknowledge a well played game with a "gg" or something like it.
5: Members may be inactive without explanation for a week, after a week of unexplained inactivity they'll be put in the "inactive" rank, after a month of being in that rank, members will be kicked.
6: Have fun! This is a game, if you're not having fun, then what's the point?
Finally, Leaders maintain a 3-strike policy against offensive behavior, and reserve the right to kick a member on sight if they exceed 3 strikes.
Strikes are awarded if a member continues to be offensive/rude after being warned to stop. They are also awarded if a member breaks any of the above rules.
[x] Have 5 members.
[x] Have 10 members.
[x] Have 15 members and more.
[] Get normal clan thread page.
[] Be official.
Usagi no Zetsubou:
Only Leaders have access to the bank account.
Last edited by Shiro; Jul 10, 2016 at 05:58 PM.