Originally Posted by
Name (Real name):Thomas Fister
Gender: can't decide
Age: 10 (turning 11 in 3 weeks)
Gmt: alot (seriously, like, alot)
Belt: I don't wear one ecks dee
Why do you want to join: because im good and stuff
Past Clans: none, I swear
Why did you leave your past clan?: no
What can you offer? : sick blowjobs
If your Uncle Jack got stuck on an elephant, would you help your Uncle Jack off?: Uncle Ocean can go die under a bus.
Invited by some one?: yes. Jingles once said hi to me in a betting server, therefore we're legit friends
Special Skills?: I'm autistic
Are you a funny guy? Prove it:
Playercard: find it yourself
Do you accept hipotibor as your lord and savior?: hipotibor is responsible for 9/11
best app i ever read.. troll or not.. Yes