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your cringiest moments
idk if this is against the rules or not but i like nostalgia

this one time i was 12 and liked this girl, and i wanted to call her cute but i ended up saying "aw you look like a dog" cuz back then i liked dogs A LOT. CCRRRRINNGGEEE

another time after this dance competition, my friend was like "IM GONNA ASK ANNIE (my partner) OUT FOR U" (i was 13 and she was 11) and i was like NOOOO really loud but he ran up to her and asked, and she said no, and that she liked HIM. he was like shit, and she said "sorry" and i just said complete gibberish and then ran away. CCRRRRIIINNGGGEE

another bad one, when i was 12, these two hot chicks came over to my house cuz they got locked out and their parents were away, but i'd never had girls at my house before so i panicked and screamed IM GONA MAKE YOU FOOD" and rampaged through my kitchen looking for shit, and i tried to open a can of soup but i cut my hand on the lid. and they were like "uhhh we're good with just chips". then we watched teen mom for an hour in complete silence. KMS

the worst one is probably just last year, where i went to my cousin's birthday party and met this dude who's also a marxist, and then these college dudes came over and we all got crossfaded af, and then i threw up twice in the bathroom and my cousin had to call my mom to pick me up LOL and the guy i met didnt have a ride so then my cousin was pissed at us and kicked us out out, and we had to wait outside in the cold still fucked up for my mom to get there, and then she took us to our respective homes and i fell asleep on the toilet

the next morning i woke up realizing how much of a complete idiot i acted the night before and i facepalmed for like an hour straight

now your turn
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma