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[ME] Quote-Storys - Monthly Event November

Hey Monks and Allies!
Welcome to the Quote-Competition ;)

In this Event you have to create a story by using quotes only
from all around the following boards and threads.

fl0w - Board
Monk - Board
RMO - Board
StR - Thread
Team Aikido - Board
Vibe - Board

(don't use posts from private boards)

The story have to include at least 5 quotes
and the quotes have to be older then this Event-Post.
Also, you're not allowed to clip quotes. Always use the whole quote!

How to post your entry:
First of all you have to make sure that there are quote tags for each quote.
If you want to quote a post from a closed thread, you can add them by yourself.


A shitty example story

Prizes are:

5k TC

30th November 2k15
Last edited by BBKing; Nov 6, 2015 at 08:57 PM.