Pov ray
Im trying to upload textures to the tori in the image
so far ive
- Gotten the image i want
- changed the .inc to realtori
- and now im at:
Now just tell me what to enter
(i highlighted whats yellow)
/************************************************** ********
Include file for Toribash PovRay exporter (http://www.toribash.com)
Radisity Include. Made for Toribash 2.1
By [Ark]DaMehMan 2006
To produce a screenshot.pov hit F8 inside toribash
This file should be rendered with PovRay (http://www.povray.org)
NOTE! All Y values needs to be negated to match Toribash coordinate system
************************************************** **********/
// Player A's (red in-game) colour.
#declare playerAr=0.3;
#declare playerAg=0.3;
#declare playerAb=0.3;
// Player B's (blue in-game) colour.
#declare playerBr=0.8;
#declare playerBg=0.3;
#declare playerBb=0.3;
// Use a head skin and name of skin (takes from the heads folder).
// Player A.
#declare playerAskin=1;
#declare playerAname="head.tga";
// Player B.
#declare playerBskin=1;
#declare playerBname="head.tga";
// heads directory (must include trailing slash ie "dir\\" or "dir/").
#declare headdir="C:/Program Files/Toribash-3.3/raytrace/";
// Are the skinned head reflective (light areas are reflective)
#declare reflectiveheads=0;
// //
// //
#declare playerAname=concat(headdir,playerAname);
#declare playerBname=concat(headdir,playerBname);
#declare player=0;
#declare joint=0;
global_settings {
radiosity {
pretrace_start 0.08
pretrace_end 0.01
count 500
nearest_count 10
error_bound 0.02
recursion_limit 1
low_error_factor 0.2
gray_threshold 0.0
minimum_reuse 0.015
brightness 1
adc_bailout 0.01/2
background { color rgb <1,1,1> }
#macro Camera( xpos, ypos, zpos, lookatx, lookaty, lookatz)
camera {
location <xpos,-ypos, zpos>
sky <0, 0, 1>
look_at <lookatx, -lookaty, lookatz>
<0, 0, 8> rgb <0.8,0.8,0.8>
area_light <1, 0, 0>, <0, 0, 1>, 20, 20
adaptive 1
#macro Joint(xpos, ypos, zpos, Radius, xvel, yvel, zvel, xavel, yavel, zavel, r, g, b)
sphere { <xpos, -ypos, zpos>, Radius
pigment { color rgb <0.7, 0.3, 0> }
#macro Blood (xpos, ypos, zpos, Radius, xvel, yvel, zvel, xavel, yavel, zavel, r, g, b)
threshold 0.1
sphere {<xpos, -ypos, zpos>, Radius*5, 0.1
pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.1, 0 > }
#macro BodySphere (r, g, b, Radius, rot0, rot3, rot6, rot1, rot4, rot7, rot2, rot5, rot8, rot9, rot10, rot11, xvel, yvel, zvel, xavel, yavel, zavel)
#declare player=player+1;
union {
sphere {
<0, 0, 0>, Radius
#if ((player=1 & playerAskin=0) | (player=2 & playerBskin=0))
pigment { color rgb ( player=1 ? <playerAr,playerAg,playerAb> : <playerBr,playerBg,playerBb> ) }
finish {
reflection 0.7
// specular 1
// phong 0.5
reflection { .65 metallic }
pigment {
image_map {
#if (player=1)
tga playerAname
tga playerBname
warp {
orientation z
dist_exp 0
rotate <90,0,90>
finish {
#if (reflectiveheads=1)
reflection 0.7
specular 1
phong 0.5
reflection { .65 metallic }
ambient 0.5
#if ((player=1 & playerAskin=0) | (player=2 & playerBskin=0))
#if (player=1)
Face (0,0,1, 0.75,0,0, 1,0,0, playerAr*0.25,playerAg*0.25,playerAb*0.25, Radius)
Face (0,0,1, 0.75,0,0, 1,0,0, playerBr*0.25,playerBg*0.25,playerBb*0.25, Radius)
matrix <rot0, -rot1, rot2,
rot3, -rot4, rot5,
rot6, -rot7, rot8,
rot9, -rot10, rot11>
pigment { color rgb <r, g, b> }
finish {
reflection 0.7
specular 1
phong 0.5
reflection { .65 metallic }
texture { // full texture of tile #2
pigment { wood
color rgb <1, 1, 1>,
color rgb <0, 1, 0>
scale 0.05
matrix <rot0, -rot1, rot2,
rot3, -rot4, rot5,
rot6, -rot7, rot8,
rot9, -rot10, rot11>
finish { specular 0.3 reflection 0.6 }
#macro BodyCapsule (r, g, b, Radius, length, rot0, rot3, rot6, rot1, rot4, rot7, rot2, rot5, rot8, rot9, rot10, rot11, xvel, yvel, zvel, xavel, yavel, zavel)
union {
cylinder {
<0, 0, length - length*0.5>,
sphere { <0, 0, -length*0.5>, Radius }
sphere { <0, 0, length - length *0.5>, Radius }
matrix <rot0, -rot1, rot2,
rot3, -rot4, rot5,
rot6, -rot7, rot8,
rot9, -rot10, rot11>
pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> }
#macro Body (r, g, b, sidex, sidey, sidez, rot0, rot3, rot6, rot1, rot4, rot7, rot2, rot5, rot8, rot9, rot10, rot11, xvel, yvel, zvel, xavel, yavel, zavel)
box {
<-(sidex*0.5), -(sidey*0.5), -(sidez*0.5)>,
<sidex*0.5, sidey*0.5, sidez*0.5>
matrix <rot0, -rot1, rot2,
rot3, -rot4, rot5,
rot6, -rot7, rot8,
rot9, -rot10, rot11>
pigment { color rgb <r, g, b> }
#macro EnvBox (r, g, b, a, sidex, sidey, sidez, rot0, rot3, rot6, rot1, rot4, rot7, rot2, rot5, rot8, rot9, rot10, rot11)
box {
<-(sidex*0.5), -(sidey*0.5), -(sidez*0.5)>,
<sidex*0.5, sidey*0.5, sidez*0.5>
matrix <rot0, -rot1, rot2,
rot3, -rot4, rot5,
rot6, -rot7, rot8,
rot9, -rot10, rot11>
//Need Texture for this alpha
pigment { color rgbf <r, g, b, a> }
finish {
reflection 0.4
ambient 0.5
phong .5
specular 0.1
roughness .001
#macro EnvCapsule (r, g, b, a, Radius, length, rot0, rot3, rot6, rot1, rot4, rot7, rot2, rot5, rot8, rot9, rot10, rot11)
union {
cylinder {
<0, 0, length - length*0.5>,
sphere { <0, 0, -length*0.5>, Radius }
sphere { <0, 0, length - length *0.5>, Radius }
matrix <rot0, -rot1, rot2,
rot3, -rot4, rot5,
rot6, -rot7, rot8,
rot9, -rot10, rot11>
//Need Texture for this alpha
pigment { color rgbf <r, g, b, a> }
finish {
reflection 0.4
ambient 0.5
phong .5
specular 0.1
roughness .001
#macro EnvSphere (r, g, b, a, Radius, rot0, rot3, rot6, rot1, rot4, rot7, rot2, rot5, rot8, rot9, rot10, rot11)
sphere {
<0, 0, 0>, Radius
matrix <rot0, -rot1, rot2,
rot3, -rot4, rot5,
rot6, -rot7, rot8,
rot9, -rot10, rot11>
//Need Texture for this alpha
pigment { color rgbf <r, g, b, a> }
finish {
reflection 0.4
ambient 0.5
phong .5
specular 0.1
reflection .001
#macro Impact (xpos, ypos, zpos, Radius, time, r, g, b, a)
torus {
Radius, 0.5
scale <1, 0.05, 1>
rotate <90, 0, 90>
translate <xpos, -ypos, zpos>
pigment {
color rgb <r, g, b>
filter (1-a) //aka alpha
finish {
reflection 0.2
ambient 0.5
phong .5
specular 0.1
refraction 1
plane { z, 0
pigment { rgb <1, 1, 1> }
finish {
ambient .1
diffuse .1
specular 1
roughness .001
//Create an infinite sphere around scene and allow any pigment on it
sky_sphere {
pigment {
gradient z
color_map { [0.0 color rgb <180/255,230/255,255/255>] [1.0 color blue 0.5] }