Christmas Lottery
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Going...Going...Gone! (An idea about AFK'ers)
Edited Thread

Afk is when it's your turn to fight, but you fail to move a joint(s) within the given match frame. You would be spec'd and would have an 'afk' after your name

What's the idea?
There will be a specific time period that allows the player to come back from afk. If the time period is reached, the player will be disconnected from the game. When someone just goes into afk, there name would be written in bold. As time passes the name will slowly begin to lose it's thickness (through stages). At its final stage it would fade away/disappear, disconnecting the player from the server.

This will show other players how long the person was afk and this gives a reasonable amount of time for the AFK'ers to come back and enjoy their game. If they fail to re-enter, they will be disconnected from the server, allowing space in the server so other people can come and play.