[Tex] I Need Some Input
Alright, hey, I'm Kable732. I've been working on my art for some time now and need some input on this head I made. I mean, it's not done all the way, but it's getting close. I just need to know what changes I should make on it, what I should keep or take away. So far the only thing I think of is the mouth. I still need to finish the shading and everything. And one last question; how much do you think this would go down for?
Update: I just changed the colors up a bit and added a bit more detail, what do you guys think? I can always change the colors, but it's a bit hard. Anyways, what else can I add to this? I wanna make this as best as can be.
2nd Update: Now I edited the hair and made it look MUCH nicer, thank you for the tips! ^.^ And I changed the color of the face to Juryo which made it a lot nicer as well. Thank you so much for the tips! I'm glad to have more tips if you have any.
Program Used: GIMP 2.0
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Last edited by Kable732; Dec 26, 2015 at 08:39 AM.
Reason: Update