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[art] Gargon's "art"

Hello peepole.
I am Gargon. Some of you may know me from the far away land of replays. Who am I kidding you don't know me.

I have decided to dabble into art just a bit, but I am currently spiraling deeper and deeper into the insanity known as art.

I mostly just draw random shit on paper at school, but I discovered piskel and had some fun with that as well. So this thread is going to be centered around random doodles on paper and some pixel art (and if I manage to get a drawing tablet in the future that too).

most of this is gonna be shitty so be prepared

Pixel stuffs

Paper d00dls

ps: all my artwork is free to use, do whatever you want with it, other than selling it I guess.

Programs used:

Last edited by duck; May 6, 2016 at 07:56 PM.