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supremacy 1914

supremacy 1914 is a nice free to play world war 1 browser RTS made by bytro where you are a country and try to win world war 1

the game is really slow but that's okay because you only need to check on it a couple times a day

there's different maps for different numbers of players (4 all the way up to 500)

we played it way back in like 2010 or something and had a game that lasted a bit over a month, it was pretty fun and they just released a 500 player map


siku and I are going to start a new game on the 31 player map but you need 15 people to invite before you can start a passworded game, if you're interested post your player name and email here and I'll send you an invite once we're at 15. if you want to join after we start and we haven't hit the player cap that's fine you can still join

Last edited by hanz0; Feb 5, 2016 at 11:21 PM.

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
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