Dark Souls is an action RPG that's (in)famous for its difficulty and cryptic expectations of the player, whether it be completing
the story or mastering the mechanics, there's very little hand-holding in the series. The game will test your resolve as you
die over and over, time and time again. As the third (surprise) installation in the series, Dark Souls III is a suspected love
letter to the fans that will hopefully fill some of the larger gaps in the lore and story within the world. The game is
set to release on April 11th 2016 for Xbox One, PS4 and PC.
Related media:
CGI Trailer:
NEW! Gameplay trailer:
This thread's OP will contain a focus on Dark Souls III related media for the time being but we're not opposed to overarching
discussion on the other games in the series. Feel free to discuss any new content releases regarding the newer games or discuss
the older games that you enjoy. Need help? Probably a bunch of people in here that could give you advice, or perhaps your
questions have been answered in some of the older Dark Souls threads (linked at the bottom of the thread). That said, try to keep
anything that may contain spoilers in spoiler tags and give ample warning beforehand. I know it's difficult to keep everyone happy
but yeah, just a consideration.
In short: Any Souls games discussion is allowed, be it lore, media, hints, whatever.