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(Foxy) Recruitment

(Not a fnaf or furry clan)
Foxy Recruitement

1. For no reason should you be rude to other players.
2. Respect all leaders, including leaders from other clans.
3. Must post something on the forums at least once a week.
4. Try to be mature, I don't want any spamming or anything that can be considered annoying.
5. DO NOT spectate in the middle of a match if you are about to lose. You will be kicked if I see this.
6. You should try and keep in contact with me either though steam or Skype.

Active On Forums
Active In game
At least Blue Belt

Format (Freestyle preferred, not required)
Age (Not Required)
Previous Clan/Reason for leaving
What can you bring to (Foxy) and why do you want to join?
In game activity (1-10)
Forum Activity (1-10)

To Prove you have read this all, type I am Foxy at the end of your application.
Last edited by MeatLog; Mar 13, 2016 at 06:18 AM. Reason: Adding a stuff