i like the opener in the first replay. the second spin in it was unexpected, to me. you sortve cancel the momentum out with the split though. you have a lot of jerky movement, and your third replay isn't that impressive. same with smegma. there's not really that much innovation or creativeness, and theres some wonky movement. not much i can say other than practice more.
your replays are enjoyable.
in Mei Hua Quan i dont like how you change the direction of your momentum all of a sudden at 242. your punches are bit jerky, and the last two punches are a but slow, which to me messes up the speed and flow of the replay.
in Hired Muscle your opener isn't really all that. i feel like you had trouble with your left leg a lot during it. at 205 it twitches immensely.
in Sigh there isn't really anything that's impressive except the spin at 230. the hit chain was pretty cool. but even then there's not that much power. its like seeing a buildup but nothing really happening at the end. it makes it look like you were too lazy to try and get some better positioning to further your replay.
i understand there's more of a focus in movement, however how you flow these some of these movements together, im not a big fan. in all of these replays im noticing that your arm movement is a little stiff as well, (specifically your elbows). it's a hard call for me, since i like watching your replays, personally.
i'm going to have to say no, though.