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Staff Complaint Threads
This is nothing major but I've been thinking about how some staff members instantly close a complaint thread as soon as the staff's side of the story has been posted. In my opinion this isn't completely fair and whoever is complaining could have more to add in reply to the staffs reply. I just think that staff complaint threads shouldn't be closed until the user admits they are wrong (if they are), if the thread is complaining over something that hasn't been justified FAIRLY (e.g. breaking a small rule and getting 5 points wouldn't be fair), and if it's been 24h after a staff reply and the user hasn't replied. Because there isn't much room for discussion in a few of those cases and re-making threads or re-opening ones because you aren't being given the chance to respond will just result in more trouble for the user. I also believe users should be allowed to add to staff complaints whether that be defending or against a staff member as long as it's not a useless post. I've been infracted for assisting Kyure in a case which I found dumb as I knew what I was talking about but I was infracted for posting on a thread that wasn't about me even though staff assist each other all the time ._.
Last edited by Kradel; Mar 23, 2016 at 05:54 AM.