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well,i must say that the opener only started cool,but ended not the way that wold be cool to be.
like,you lost speed and changed the direction of the spin.
the punch wold make 2 dms i guess(pec and sholder)
the kick was useless :/
but the next one was ok i guess,i just dislike the way you used the kicks,like,wold be better if you was standing to make the kick,the pose you kicked was strange
the kick was good,2 dms,but again,wold make 4 dms possible
the other kick was stiff on the part of the body...also,the glute dm was simple,get speed on it,make ghosting to make it look epic,again,more dms was possible
that last skeet was nice,so bad you moved uke's neck :/
just enable damage 1 to make self dms possible,and use a really high speed to it
work on movements,flow(transition to the next movement),speed and the dms
Last edited by victortb; Apr 16, 2016 at 07:32 PM.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592