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[Origin] WAR Team [beta]

~old memories

Hello Origin, so this is a new project, and an important one. We have decided to make a War Team.


The War Team will be a group of people that are skilled in-game and will help us win more clan wars. We're now focussing on wars because we didn't war for a while now we just started. We're 9th on the clan list so this is a huge achievement in such short amount of time. But, we're still weak, easily beaten and we lose more than we win. So we have decided to change that and now there will be a new rank, (we still haven't decided what the name for that rank will be, so if you want, you can leave a name down below you think is the most suitable).

The members in the war team will train and practice together, give some tips for each other, improve their skills, learn a thing or two, understand how to control their tori and its movements. The thing is, that only the best will be recruited for the team and other players, that are not in the team will not be able to war. Players that are less skilled in-game, I hope you understand this is for the best, but if you're ready you can apply for the war team anytime.

All in all, this project will improve our fighting skills and it will be much easier to war strong clans. This could also give us more opportunities such as Clan League, more players wanting to apply, etc.


To get in the war team you need to apply to the leaders or council members.
What should you write:

-Why do you want to be in The War Team?
-What do you offer us by joining the team?
-Your favorite mods and the mods you're bad at
-Your Toribash experience and skills, (if you're an alt, write about your main so we could know)
-Your skype name so we could contact you, or group talk
-You should also include a few replays, if possible
-Time when you are usually playing and your time zone

So that's pretty much all. If you want to be a part of The War Team you need to be active atleast once two days and have skype because we discuss a lot of things there (also chat about fun stuff ^^).

Last edited by D3ive; May 18, 2016 at 03:06 PM.
F I L T H Y.
[Origin] Remember where you came from.