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In All Actuality-- Why are we alive?
I know people ask this a lot but I wanna expand upon the idea on impermanence and what you think of it--

So, you ask someone out, or you win a baseball game or some shit. You're happy as hell. But why the fuck does it matter at all? Everything is going to disappear, you will never touch the universe at all, stars will die and come into existence no matter what. By the time earth is gone no matter how much you touched peoples lives you won't be remembered, no one will be there to remember you. That short period that humanity will exist in will be infinitely dwarfed by the never ending time line of the universe. No matter how much science we discover or technology we create, it doesn't actually change anything. The science was happening even if we didn't know how or where, and advances everywhere won't spand past 1-2 billion year which is a blink of an eye in the the infinity that is time. So why do we live on if all to disappear? Why do we care? This question seems to often be shunned as depressing or stupid, but what is your answer?