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Orlando Florida, US. Shooting

Well, someone was bound to speak about this sooner or later. I'll go ahead and start. The situation makes me cringe and fully upset.

Around 2:00 AM Sunday Morning, Omar Mateen went into a LGBT club called Pulse, and killed 50 people. Injuring 53 others. What worries me, is that he was flagged twice by the FBI about buying weapons. But he obtained them anyways.

What i would like to discuss, is how do you all think we can avoid horrible things like this in the future? What measures should we take and what should be banned or changed? I believe that guns are too easily obtained and we need to strengthen gun laws. People will gain them illegally regardless, but it still can't hurt to help the cause. I will provide some links below for you to read more on. But if this doesn't have all the info you desire, just google it yourself. It's everywhere.

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