Secret Santa 2024
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Having Problems with Sets and Textures
a friend sent me 3 sets of textures. each having a different quality. problem is i cant use them or sell them. i cant even take them out of the set.

The only thing notable here is that it said "purchase" next to each one. i own a head texture but it dosnt give me the option still to take it out of the set. it just states upload texture and everything else when changing its look.

i was hoping to keep one set of textures while selling the other but that dosnt look possible. do i have to purchase the right over textures and people send me how many i want and i can do anything with them then?

i click preview as you can see by it being underlined and no options, just "purchase". plus the other options do nothing to help. i tried them. edit just asks how much i want to sell it for or if i want to rename it.

this dosnt add up could someone shed some light on this situation?
Attached Images
screenshot1.png (8.6 KB, 12 views)
screenshot2.png (63.9 KB, 18 views)