Originally Posted by
Bob leaning towards yes but we want to see your replays before accepting.
Valt we appreciate the gesture but we all know your going for the most bans record and we can't exactly handle that as far as our PR goes. Thanks though.
You do understand that I have plenty of people who actually want me in the clan, right? And I doubt it was "we" but instead it was just "you"
Viral wants me in, Draigoon wants me in, and so does Jojo.
Also, I don't think my record should really be a factor here regardless. If I slip up even slightly, I'm banned permanently, period. So I have an incentive to actually be "behaved" now.
Don't be ridiculous Zenboy. We both know what I could for the clan, and I could very well be the kick in the ass to get people to start actually posting on the forum.
You also shouldn't be the only one deciding who's in and isn't anyways.