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XCOM: Enemy Unknown

Basics of XCOM
Hi to anyone who plays XCOM or wants to know more about. So before we talk about opinions I'm gonna give you a summary of the game for all the people who don't play it. XCOM is a very unforgivinggame about an alien invasion against Earth and an organization call XCOM. This organization deals with alien abduction sites and has various missions through out the story. Each mission is conducted by an XCOM squad with 4-6 people. In these missions you eliminate all hostiles and retrieve resources such as melds, and VIPs. Also, your squad members wont be able to go on missions if they got injured, and if they die, they don't come back. It is also in my opinion the best turn based game there is.

What is your favorite class?(Heavy, Assault, Sniper, Support)
What is your least favorite enemy?
What is you play style?
What difficulty do you play on?
Do you use any mods/add-ons, if so which ones?
What customs/second wave customs do you usually use.

My Opinions: I personally like the sniper class because of the squad-site perk. Its very useful. My least favorite enemy would be the cyberdisk and the chryssalids. They both are responsible for the deaths of 6 of my players.
The way I play is that I don't really care about melds and I go very slowly, always over watching and making sure my people don't die. I play on the normal difficulty as of now because I was introduced to the game a month ago. The add-ons I use are the Elite soldier pack, Enemy Within, and Slingshot DLC. For the advanced option and second wave customs, I use Operation Slingshot, New Economy, Not created Equally, Save Scum, and Aiming Angles.

Now it's your turn.