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[u] Application
Nick:GabeElite Or Gabe
Belt:3rd Dan
Forum Activity:Im trying to become very active on forums but i am actively on forums
InGame Activity:I am very active in game but im not sure how active i will be because i start school this tuesday and baseball season but hopefully ill be on everyday
Past clans:[e],(AL),(Beta),(Scar),(RPY),[Origin]
Bad History:2 Infractions for useless posts
Why Do I Want To Join:i would like to join ultimate because this is a good community though you are inactive imo i dont really care if a clan is active or not i would love to be apart of the org/clan
What Can I Offer To Ultimate:I can help in wars and many other things clan related,i also make replays but im ''bad'' at it
Additional Information:ALRIGHT!My name is gabe and im 14 years old im from new york city and im going into 8th grade this tuesday,i play baseball,and i love anime and dubstep and rap
Replays:I have lots of multiplayer replays spars and parkours
But Windows 10 sucks and my folder fucked up

Hopefully i am considered and accepted into this clan
Also Have A GABEN DAY!
fuck 12, free all my shootaz