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Obama claiming to run a "3rd term" leading Martial Law
I don't know if this was discussed or not, couldn't find any thread speaking about it but it's all over the internet and came out of Obama's mouth himself.

Obama states that he will not leave the office for the presidential election and the only possible way is by declaring Martial Law. I will post links of proof and verification of his statements along with information about martial law and all what it can lead too along with valid information on how it's possible for the president to declare martial law.

Now, this is my thought about it:
If Obama declares Martial Law which will allow him to be in the White House for a possible 3rd term, that'll cause chaos and panic on the United States thus leading into a possible New World Order. The USA is already going deep in shit as is, and in my thought, all this will do is cause a possible World War 3 if executed correctly. Now, another theory that comes to mind is people claiming that Obama is the anti-christ and if he pulls this off, it's 100% authentic. I do not really believe in all that crap but the proof is in front of us. Maybe the end of time is really here?

Anyway, let me see what you guys think and what others think outside of the USA.

Serious discussion please.

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