View Poll Results: Should we add ranks to the user list?
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Originally Posted by Hours View Post
that's why we're still on 64 tick servers then? also waiting for none competitive 5v5's. i mean sure they do update things. the new sounds sucks, tbf. it's csgo, not arma 3. i guess that's based on opinions though, so i'm not going to bash them for it that much.
my point is, yeah they do update the game and make it a better experience. but we better like what they do, else we can play something else.
if you're going to look up parts where valve has listened to it's community, then you can just skip that, because i am well aware of the fact that they do listen to us. it's not a common sight, but they do. however, there's much more the community has been asking for, whether it be a easy thing to do, or a huge and almost impossible thing.

Without even going onto the whole "Volvo why y u no listen" thing I'll just address the things you think they should fix.

Firstly 5v5 casual. What? Why? So I can go carry some beginners in a 5v5 setting? 5v5 casual would just make it worse for the beginners. Imagine a mate of yours starting the game (or just being bad), he want's to experience what cs is actually like.
Now which will be a better experience for him, playing with silver 2's who are actually bad, or having me on the other team going 30-1 and 16-0'ing the game for my team.
Non raked 5v5 would have to have a hidden matchmaking rating to make it work, and I get it, wouldn't hurt to have it. But it's not a thing that would make the game a lot better.
Not to even mention the amount of trolling that would happen in non ranked 5v5's.

The whole 64 tick thing.
You are put on a server and not told what tickrate it is. The only way to know is by playing and you could accurately be able to tell which server had 128 and which 64 tick?
I personally couldn't. It would be pure guessing for me.
I have yet to meet a good player who actually was like "64 tick? Unplayable."
On the other hand, I've literally met many DMG's who had the idea that they were worse on 64 ticks and that they sucked on MM and told me "because faceit has 128tick I play better there".
Sure 128 is better than 64 tick technically, but 1000 tick is better than 128. why not 1 million tick. 128 tick wouldn't change almost anything.

Can you come up with many games that actually have constant support after like 5 years of being live. Prime MM (Fucking amazing), constant updates to gameplay (bugfixes, tweaks) and new maps.
Surely sometimes volvo misses the mark and does something dumb (Wild west).
But generally they do an amazing job upkeeping the game and people tend to cry because they try to make money out of it? Thats ridiculous.
The minute they stop making money out of the game, the updates stop.

And finally, listening to people who bitch on reddit is the dumbest thing to do.
They have kept the game really competitive for so long and do listen to professional players when something is properly fucked.
They do a great job balancing the competitive and the casual side of the game.
I would say that volvo is miles ahead of almost any company when it comes to hosting a game.
People simply expect too much from them. They are a bloody game company, not your dad.
They don't owe you or any player shit.
Thanks gabe.
Last edited by cowmeat; Oct 8, 2016 at 08:10 PM.