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Oh Large the Legend !

I missed that !

Congratz bro, you totally deserve it !

Since I met you (when your name was F0rce), you were already a lot better than most of players that I met. A lot better than me. Like Oblivion, Swexx and others, you were and still are way better than I am and ever be.

And you are a cool guy with a nice personality. The only one wich I can talk about Freud and Jung during the time I'm playing

I remember a story, some years ago, where people came to me to ask me if I teached you the game, you know my english level, at that time I was sure «to teach» was «learning from» instead of «learning to», like in french it is the same word for both (apprendre à - apprendre de), so I said to people that I teached you when I was sure that I was saying you teached me some things. I felt ashamed about it when I realised my mistake x)

Since the day I met you, I said to myself that I will become better than you, one day.

Guess what ? That day never happen. I cry.

I have a question for you : have you already dreamed about the game ?

My Youtube channel : Mocucha Toribash