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What is the best thing you've done in Toribash?
Some people may not have played as long, but others have. However, everyone has something that they think is the best thing they've done in Toribash. Try to send replays if you can. Send as many as you want. If you can't decide. Also, try to keep an open mind about this, not everyone has playedsince the dawn if the game people...

Also, don't try to act like because you've played longer, that means anything. This is just a thread to have some fun and joke around. You can even put stupid things in here, like epic fails. If you think it was funny enough to be the best you've done.

For example, I don't have the replay saved, but in an aikidobigdojo.tbm match I ripped off both my arms, myself. Then I still won. XD

Not necessarily my best win, but it was one of my funniest. Just yesterday I was fighting someone and ripped my arm off. XD