View Poll Results: Should we join Clan battle Royale?(If we lose [im] DIES remember that)
11 Votes / 73.33%
4 Votes / 26.67%
Voters: 15. You may not vote on this poll
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Clan battle royale!
Hey guys, Nightflow here and I'm setting up a poll to answer the question we've all been asking... Are we joining Clan battle Royale? Personally I think we should but we need a leader to approve and a vote to decide yes or no so here it is. Place your votes and once we've all voted (I'll send out PMs to every member just in case some of us don't see this post) we will decied if we sign up or not, keep in mind if a our leaders don't want to do this we can't, simple as that. Anyway best of luck and if this happens lets crush this out!
#imtakeover #Nugget4Legend #Reviveim #WizWaz #IamMeandYouareYou
Oh shit it's some profound text.