Immigration and Trump
So recently there have been some people protesting Trumps immigration plans.
Here are my thoughts:
Illegal immigration is illegal. We should never stand for illegal immigrants. If someone comes over here illegally and has kids and we have to deport them back feeling bad for them because they have kids that are US citizens is ridiculous. I do however believe that immigration is a key part of this country, if you think about it, we are a country of immigrants; I believe that Trump is alienating some legal immigrants but his general crack down on illegals is ok. As far as a wall goes, I think it wouldn't harm anyone if there was a wall and would have a net positive effect if you exclude the price to earnings ratio in terms of how many jobs are we getting as a result of keeping more illegals out of our country. I believe that we need to keep as many illegal immigrants out as possible, but it is not worth the time and money trump is willing to spend on doing this; the wall would cost billions of tax payer dollars that could be spent on much more world-change events such as the war on ISIS and the difficult war on terrorism.
Secondly, on the liberal reaction to Trump, calling him a racist:
I don't believe trump is a racist, rather I believe he is slightly prejudice in terms of religion: he directly relates the muslim religion to terror. I believe that relationship is somewhat well founded but I definitely do not believe that all muslims are terrorists and all terrorists are muslims. I believe that trump should stop making this connection because its only true for a very small amount of people, and the people who do not fit this demographic are harmed because of this.
I'm happy Trump beat Hillary though, not because Trump is great (I really dislike him) but because he will cause real change and Hillary simply would have kept the country in the same state that it was. I also hate political correctness, but love equality. Political correctness is disgusting.