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Originally Posted by Flow View Post
Holy false equivalency batman. Deporting people who knowingly broke the law =/= mass genocide.

You completely missed what TPK said. Hitler didn't immediately start ordering the slaughter of people. It did start out with mildly racist claims, then the Jews became the focus of his (and the rest of Germany's) aggression. Then they were forced to identify themselves. Then they were removed from their homes and businesses and moved into low income housing. THEN they were shipped off to concentration camps. This all happened over the course of 7-8 years, it was a slow burn. Trump's comments against muslims and, to a lesser extent, Mexicans/illegal immigrants do show some similarities with Hitler's views and comments soon after being appointed Chancellor.

I'm not saying that Trump is Hitler reincarnated or that he will be the downfall of the US; only that there are a few disturbing similarities. Also Godwin's law.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.