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Rule Suggestion — Rapid Threads
Whenever I was searching through some of my old posts, I realized that I wouldn't be able to use this function had I not purchased ToriPrime. Seeing as plenty of people don't have the money to spend on ToriPrime, I thought, "What do people do whenever they have a Toribash-related question and they're not a forum regular?"

Well, duh, they Google it.

Most of the questions that are asked end up in the Rapid Threads section, so I thought, why not implement a rule that asks for users to format their thread titles like a question?

Here's a perfect example:

Let's say I'm curious as to what the Toribash in-game devserver is all about. I go on Google, and I type, "toribash what is this devserver?"

The first link and thread would then likely answer my question!

I feel like this would really tidy up the Rapid Threads section, and as well as this, I think it would help newer users get their common questions answered relatively easily.
Leave any comments and additional suggestions relating to this down below. Thanks for taking the time to read this dudes!

I was thinking about this while looking through some of the old threads in the section: it may help to just revamp the entire section. Just wipe the threads, keep the stickies, apply the additional rule, and restart the answering questions process. It's not really necessary per se, but hey, it might be neat to have the board looking fresh again. (:
Last edited by Creati0n; Mar 23, 2017 at 09:13 PM.