To me, toribash's community is one of the best I've ever encountered.
I've befriended many people, across those 2-3 years i've played, and I keep, to this day, meeting new players. Some of them I've been talking to pretty much every day since then.
Granted there are a few trolls here and there, dealing with them is generally simple and they're damn worth the friendships I've made. I've even held a few events and had no problem at all.
Nowadays I mainly mod, and hang out with my friends, though. I don't take part in many competitions, and when people join our server it's usually just to play for fun. Hence, no trouble. And yet, I play with a lot of strangers, lower belts, people that don't speak english well fuck it just use google traduction
You'll meet toxic people throughout your whole life. Find some ones you like, remember to have fun, and you'll probably have a much better experience.
As for considering shoveling and other cheese tactics "toxic", I believe that if you go into a match with the esports intention to win, you should be ready for your opponent to use any means necessary to win too
so that's on you
And whining about it probably makes you toxic as well
Dont play competitively if it ruins the game for you, have fun with it and explore the things and the communities you haven't tried/seen yet !
Last edited by DashSora; Apr 19, 2017 at 07:12 PM.