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Give this thread a lil bump like lil pump
Latest movie I saw was a GI Joe idk which one but it was amazing , I saw it literally 3 minutes ago.
I saw the poster once and it looked soo ugly I really didn't want to see it. Maybe it's good tho, but I mean, just look at that
My favourites tho ,
Lets be cops
Never heard of it, I'll take a look
Ah yeah, seemed neat
Still a classic
I'm not a fan of star wars, I really hope the VIII is gonna be good because I didn't like Rogue One (especially the main character actually).
I still haven't seen it since I don't go see superhero movies in cinemas anymore, simply because I don't want to give money to this industry which produce (almost) always the same boring stuff. Of course there are exceptions, like Deadpool or Logan, but still.
Yeah, this one's great.
Just damn , but I really recommend Lets Be Cops actually so fucking funny
I'll take a look, it seems a lot like Hot Fuzz amirite?
Last edited by Vinyl; Aug 12, 2017 at 07:53 PM.