Lua Documentation, References, and Tutorial
General Lua links (not specific Toribash Lua)] -- Official site. -- Official Reference Manual. Has all the Lua commands there. -- Lua tutorial
Toribash Lua -- Documentation on the Tori Wiki.
Bodypart List
0 - head
1 - breast
2 - chest
3 - stomach
4 - groin
5 - r_pecs
6 - r_biceps
7 - r_triceps
8 - l_pecs
9 - l_biceps
10 - l_triceps
11 - r_hand
12 - l_hand
13 - r_butt
14 - l_butt
15 - r_thigh
16 - l_thigh
17 - l_leg
18 - r_leg
19 - r_foot
20 - l_foot
Joint List
0 = neck
1 = chest
2 = lumbar
3 = abs
4 = right pec
5 = right shoulder
6 = right elbow
7 = left pec
8 = left shoulder
9 = left elbow
10 = right wrist
11 = left wrist
12 = right glute
13 = left glute
14 = right hip
15 = left hip
16 = right knee
17 = left knee
18 = right ankle
19 = left ankle
State List
1 = extend/right rotate/right bend
2 = contract/left rotate/left bend
3 = hold
4 = relax -- Toribash Lua tutorial written by me.
Comments, suggestions, additions go here. I will add links as I find them/they are created.
Last edited by Jok; Sep 20, 2007 at 07:45 PM.
Reason: Update!