Secret Santa 2024
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50% sell suggestion
- Suggestion.

/I suggest to add an option on the forum (can be added on the "TB next in-game market" too) that allows you to sell a item to the forum (it could be sumated to the stock if it is a limited item) for the 50% or a minor % of the normal price.

- How this option could be useful.

/This option can help these player who doesn't like/hate some of he's buyed items, and wants to sell it as soon as possible (and some stuff are REALLY hard to sell).

- Examples:

1) If you're new and you buy chronos/gladiator/orc stuff, you can't sell it easily 'cuz those items are for begginers and you can't sell it fast (except putting it on the market for a high -%).

2) If you're a "normal/experienced" player and need some quick TC's to pay a loan or to buy a limited item, you can (with this option) sell some items to get TC's

- Sorry for my shitty english.