Clan Channel?
I've been talking to Halue about my edit since I started editing toribash videos, and we thought about our clan having its own channel. I kind of don't have a channel where I can post videos (also don't want to) and would be cool if Vector had general channel.
First of all, everyone should agree with that (mainly our leaders).
Second thing, if we are actually doing it, we must discuss details and how it'll work in this thread.
I'm really hyped about that so please don't just *noes* me
About the possibility that we are doing it ^^^^^^^
I think this channel could has everything Vector related, like our members edits; maybe in the future, sponsoring Vector's events and stuff (if we are going to do that kind of things); I thought about something like "short videos" about our members if anyone feels like (e.g.: making a video about Karbn parkour replays or Halue tricking replays); possibly videos with shitposting here and there as we have halue; and clan vid could also be in there. Those are just some ideas but we could come to have a lot more.
Also our leaders (co-leader too) should manage this channel and rule what should be in it and what shouldn't, and of course, I think we all should decide the terms together but from then on, leaders should take care of situations, need leaders approval after all.
Since the channel was already created and disclosed, this thread is aimed at posting updates and videos about our channel, or even sharing videos from another channels etc.
Youtube Discussion Thread, and mainly our channel.
Don't forget to update here any upload you've done in our channel
toribash related videos should be posted here:
always keep toribash edits or videos up-to-date through this thread above^. Or you can just send here straight after uploading in the clan channel so that I can update that thread by myself
Last edited by Lionet; Feb 6, 2019 at 05:39 AM.