Secret Santa 2024
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new staff group
the new staff group i'd like to suggest are "Chat moderators"

a staff group that monitor chat in game and in the forums!
(they only get to mute/unmute and ban from servers, or just half op)
so as a chat moderator you job is to:
A.) Monitor the chat in game such as in tourneys or just normally in public rooms and make sure people aren't flaming and such.
B.) Make sure that there isn't any sort of flaming or slurs or anything on the forums.
C.) Respond to flaming reports on the reports board
E.) Keep the chat away from sensitive topics and keep it wholesome, nobody wants to hear uh, unwholesome things

Thank you for reading my idea, I hope it'll be implemented (or at least thought of in future)

New chat moderator recruits have to pm an admin/smod/chat mod member, similar to applying for HS,ES AND CS.

Thanks for reading!