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Weird Things I Do When Making Replays
^ (im gonna format everything sh)

so i came to realize that i do some things normal replaymakers probably dont do. heres some of them

1. i use freecam, and a combination of z, x, clicking, and the scroll wheel.

2. i lp 0 asdf a lot because i like making replays with the default tori

3. i dont give my replays actual names. “I do that too!” i hear you say, but my replay names consist of whhtwzsw135.rpl or aaaaa2.rpl while i do them so i can never find a replay im looking for

4. people think that i dm myself on purpose.......lets keep it that way

5. i use a random number generator to make openers a lot. basically i save a replay on frame 0, generate a bunch of numbers and change the corresponding numbers in JOINT 0;

tell me the things you do while replaymaking/playing toribash
tsu tsu cuckoo