Discord #suggestions board.
I believe there should be a proper #suggestions board.
Maybe after reading this you'll agree.
Have you ever had a small, quick suggestion you want to quickly throw out to known members of the community and quickly discuss?
Note: It wouldn't replace this suggestions board, it'd be an alternative for quick insight onto an idea to help ENHANCE your post here, before even making it. A lot of ideas get shot down because the original post didn't address some existing cons or arguments, which people bring up in the replies.
» Pros «
* Just like there are #market, #off-topic, #art, et cetera, there should be #suggestions for the same reason; quick talk about stuff.
* Would allow for more discussion on a topic and immediate addressing of counter arguments.
* Can get quick insight on pros/cons/arguments to the idea before suggesting it to the forums, that way you could enhance your post by addressing those pros/cons/arguments in it.
» Cons «
* Can't think of any. See "Arguments And My Counters".
» Arguments And My Counters «
"We have a forum board dedicated to Suggestions, why have on on Discord?" - Unicorn
We also have a forum board for Marketing, Art, Replays, Off-Topic, and mods, yet we have those in Discord too.
"Why do you need fast paced discussion on suggestions?" - Unicorn
Because some people prefer it that way. If I have a discussion I want to engage multiple people with and have talked about BEFORE I go to the forums, I'd rather post it in the Discord where more people are going to respond to it, and faster, and get some general ideas on why people would think it would work and why it wouldn't work. This ultimately would enhance the post I'd make on the forums by a lot, because I'd already have some insight on pros/cons to the idea I could address in the post. Kinda like this one.
It's a few clicks, some keyboard clacks, and a button stopping you guys from adding a #suggestions board which could enhance a lot of future posts, hopefully this doesn't go unnoticed!