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Application Part 2... ACTION!
My name? : Miguel
My discord?? : Okay, it's qEdgesp#9460 ( I'm already in the discord but, it is needed )
My age , Hmm : It's 14

My timezone : is GMT +8:00

Now for the Introduction


My name is Miguel and I'm only 14 Years old , Yeah it's so young but don't mind it. I only play computer games and some video games stuff i don't really do sports xad.

I was inactive at toribash and haven't played it for a few months because i was bored at it and found some interesting game which is fortnite (i'm not advertising .

Currently the games i play alot is Fortnite , Dota 2 and Toribash (now).

The mods i play at Toribash are Only JUDO , BOXSHU and MUSHU I don't play ABD much Or Aikido.

I had a friend recently VanishingPotato which is a member of Pew we played fortnite together for a bit not that very long.

Reasons I want to join PEW

I wanted to join PEW because i find it interesting, alot of professional players are there and i want to meet them too and be kind to them. I know the members of pew are very very chill and kind hearted i always know that.


Sadly, I don't have any replay now. my last application has but it's kinda bugged it's not the same replay as i added last February.

That's all Thank you