Secret Santa 2024
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Completely new forum.
Yup. Keep this one around as an archive, completely wipe the forum, and make a new one that doens't look so old. Use something like Xenforo, get a professional theme made, filter out the useless shit that nobody uses or ever gets to see, and vuala. The current forum is just too old looking, the game is getting some awesome UI improvements so there is no reason to not completely revamp the forum. I'm expected the whole "man power" argument, please, there are so many people amongst the community who would absolutely help for free. I also recall sir saying something about how it's backend is very old, and having everything hooked into the game is a terrific hassle as it is, so all of that would have to be remade.

I'm sure they've got something like this planned for TBN, and if so, awesome, I'd love to hear that.