A higher investment in matchmaking
This game has one big problem. It's that you can't open it and just start playing online. You have to either join a server and wait 10 minutes, or join an empty server and play against randoms. The simple fix to this is, of course, matchmaking.
Unfortunately for a new player, you can't even access this. You need to have played a whopping 500 games, which might not seem like a lot to a veteran, but it's still plenty of hours wasted. This is something that I think puts many people off, myself included. Think about the amount of games you could play while you're stuck in queue. I don't want to make a big time investment every time I feel like playing a match or two.
That's just my 2cents. I don't know if matchmaking sucks because the player base is too small or if it's because there's not enough incentive, but I think investing in it would be a good idea.