An Idea, Read the whole thing before voting.
Ok, we have been thinking of possibly merging Hellrazor and clan Phantom. As most of you know Hellrazor was mostly members from Phantom when Mister616 left his co leader position and created it. So we are currently brainstorming some names in the irc channel #pandora if anyone would like to help out. Once we decide on a few good ones I shall put up a poll.
The way the merging would work would be like this: The two clans join together with 2 leaders, Mister616 and I. We then split the roster in 2 sections, his and mine. Overtime these will gradually merge. That way no one loses their position because of this. However, there is the little matter of only 3 moderators per clan board. For this I am thinking for it to only be Me: because i am one leader, Rob/Mister because he is the 2nd leader. Novitech: because he is the main organiser for the events and bank. I know this will cause some doubt but I assure you, it's reasonable. If you have any complaints please post here and say what's wrong and how to fix it. If you just don't want any of this go ahead and vote no. If you like the idea and want it to proceed vote yes.