[DSC] Nano
Clan Name:
Clan Tag:
Clan Members:
Leaders (Proffessors):
Playaj - 5th Dan
Kordiss - 6th Dan
Fezch - 2nd Dan
MetroMan - 4th Dan
BakuMiszcz - 2nd Dan
Warbanana - Master Belt
hellopppp - 4th Dan
qq5ben - 3rd Dan
micho - 5th Dan
G4rules19 - 7th Dan
Dawnthief - 5th Dan
Xilitor - 7th Dan
SniperWolf - 8th Dan
Mattsmatt - 8th Dan
bilza - Black belt
Seacreas - 2nd Dan
Clan Story:
The mighty 4 came together to participate in a tournament of the gods where the winner would be granted one wish. Epic battles occurred, many died, but the strong and grand 4 stayed till the end. A fight went on for days, none of the four tiring. It was decided that all 4 would win and be granted one shred wish. They all had the same idea in mind…. Create a clan so powerful that none would stand in it’s way. A clan where money would be plentiful and helping friends would be at hand.
This, is how ‘Nano’ was born.
Clan Aim:
Nano's central goal is to have fun. We are a clan who wants active members and commited members. We want to help out people in need of help. We want to host special events for our clan and gain money for our clan and all it's members.
To join Nano before we become official, post here with your:
Ingame Name:
Activity in a day (forums and game):
Why should you be in:
Past Clans:
Your favourite Colour:
Refferal/point system
The Point system is a way to reward members of accomplishing something (belt up rank up etc...) 1 point will be equal to 1000tc. These points will be funded by the clan leader or some clan mate in a high rank
There are several ways to earn points
If you go up a belt rank you will be awarder by:
If you recruit a player you will get some points depending on his belt
2nd dan:
0.5 Points
3rd Dan:
4th Dan:
2.5 Points
5th Dan:
3 Points
6th dan:
3.5 points
7th dan:
4 points
8th dan:
5 points:
9th Dan:
10th dan :
10 points
Master belt:
20 points
1 point
Senior Member:
2 points
5 points
When you belt up you will be awarded with 1 point
If you win a tourney or a duel you will be also awarded by two points. For getting it you will need a replay or a screen shot to prove it
Our Motto:
Mere appearance is no match for performance.
We are ‘Nano’ and we will be the best.
Last edited by PlayaJ; Apr 20, 2009 at 04:51 PM.