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/op name = gives the person admin powers for server
/deop name = removes them

The Commands
/set = see settings
/reset = reset match
/set ed =engage distance
/set eh = engage height
/set er = engage rotation
/set dt = dismember threshold
/set ft = fracture threshold
/set tf = turn frames
/set mf = match frames
/set dismemberment = obvious
/set fracture = obvious
/set dq = disqualification
/set ds = dojosize
/set mod [Mod name] = change the mod (correct spelling, capitals and ending.tbm)
/set desc = server name
/set motd = message when you enter server
/set experience [number of matches] = Belt requirement
/set fstart = Makes both players space
/status = Get player's IP
/kick [ID] = Kick player
/ban [player's IP] = Ban player
/mute playername = self explanatory
/unmute playername = self explanatory
/nudge playername X = move to quewe position X (1 is first in quewe)
/nudgeup playername = Puts the player up 1 place in the queue (don't use this)
/nudgedown playername = puts the player down 1 place in the queue
/fspec playername = forces the player to spec
/fenter playername = forces the player to enter
/set sumo 1/0 = wrist and ankle DQ off/on
/set dojotype 0/1/2 = 0=square 1=round 2=off
/set qj X = position in quewe = X (warning this sets all enterign players to qj X (/set qj 0 afterwards!)
/specall = forces the all players to spec
/knockout = knockout mode on (forces the loser of a fight to spec)
/passwd pass = sets a pass for the server

Server Flags:
Flag 1 --- DQ = yes, DM = no, Frac = no, Grip = yes
Flag 2 --- DQ = no, DM = yes, Frac = no, Grip = yes
Flag 3 --- DQ = yes, DM = yes, Frac = no, Grip = yes
Flag 4 --- DQ = no, DM = no, Frac = no, Grip = no
Flag 5 --- DQ = yes, DM = no, Frac = no, Grip = no
Flag 6 --- DQ = no, DM = yes, Frac = no, Grip = no
Flag 7 --- DQ = yes, DM = yes, Frac = no, Grip = no
Flag 8 --- DQ = no, DM = no, Frac = yes, Grip = yes
Flag 9 --- DQ = yes, DM = no, Frac = yes, Grip = yes
Flag 10 --- DQ = no, DM = yes, Frac = yes, Grip = yes
Flag 11 --- DQ = yes, DM = yes, Frac = yes, Grip = yes
Flag 12 --- DQ = no, DM = no, Frac = yes, Grip = no
Flag 13 --- DQ = yes, DM = no, Frac = yes, Grip = no
Flag 14 --- DQ = no, DM = yes, Frac = yes, Grip = no
Flag 15 --- DQ = yes, DM = yes, Frac = yes, Grip = no
Flag 16 --- DQ = no, DM = no, Frac = no, Grip = yes

Chat commands

/lws - Uploads a shader in toribash
/sm 1 - Speedometer, shows the velocity a joint travels with
/spec - Enter spectators list (your name will be shown in gray online)
/enter - Enter bout list, This is used for when you are kicked to spectators for being afk
/fknock - Forces players to the bottom of the bout list
/emote - When ingame, you can make text appear above you're head while fighting
/altimeter 1 - Shows the height of the highest bodypart
/help - Shows Single Player commands, Doesn't work in multiplayer
/set - See server settings (Both on Multiplayer and Single Player)
/fspec - Forcefully lets someone join spectators
/fenter - Forcefully makes someone join
/lockdown - locks the server, nobody can come in anymore (Mods only/People with auth)
/cl - clear the screen from chat messages
/chl [number here] - changes number of chat lines (without the brackets)
/re [insert desired width here] [insert height here] - changes resolution (without the brackets)
/login - [name here] [password here] (without the brackets)
/status - Shows peoples ip's (Mods Only)
/!report - Used to report troublemakers (not confirmed)
/pass [password here] - Used to type the server pass into a server
/echo [message here] - Displays a message that other people can't see
/ZP 0 or 1 - Zooms in to either uke or tori
/opt Uke/Tori 0/1 - hides or unhides Uke/Tori
/option hud 0 - Removes Hud
/search [member name here] - shows if a user is online, and what server he is in
/join [server number here] - Joins the server number